The Godi Method® : back pain and office work

The Godi Method® : back pain and office work

Below an Italian article I wrote on back pain related to office work.

In this article you can also find some useful tips on how to modify your daily routine at the office and some simple exercises aimed to prevent and reduce back pain during office work.

Mal di schiena e scrivania

Spesso chi lavora in ufficio e passa un lungo periodo di tempo seduto alla scrivania (a volte anche 8-9 ore) soffre di mal di schiena. Tale sintomatologia dolorosa e’ frequentemente localizzata nella zona bassa della schiena a livello lombare (lombalgia) e nella zona del collo a livello cervicale (cervicalgia).

A volte il dolore si espande anche ricoprendo l’area dalla zona cervicale al braccio (brachialgia).
Le cause del “mal di schiena da ufficio” sono molteplici e fra le principali sicuramente vi sono:
1) Staticita’
2) Mantenimento per un lungo periodo di tempo di posizini che aggravano la colonna

Per ridurre il “mal di schiena da ufficio” e’ consigliabile adottare queste possibili soluzioni:
1) Alzarsi ogni 30 minuti.
Per far si che cio’ avvenga si possono utilizzare diversi espedienti:
a) posizionare la stampante lontana dalla scrivania
b) Posizionare il cellulare/ telefono lontano dalla scrivania
c) Programmare sul cellulare un allarme che suoni ogni 30 minuti
d) Non consumare alcun pasto seduti alla scrivania

2) Adottare una postura seduta ideale che gravi il meno possibile sulla colonna vertebrale.
Ovviamente la postura seduta ideale costituisce una postura di orientamento a cui ciascun individuo fara’ riferimento adattandola in modo che rispetti la propria morfologia corporea e le proprie necessita’ individuali.
Caratteristiche di una postura seduta ideale:
a) regolare la seduta in modo che l’angolo tronco – arti inferiori sia di 90 gradi (puo’ essere utile
l’ utilizzo di un cuscino fatto a piano inclinato sopra il sedile)
b) regolare lo schienale in modo che le spalle siano sulla stessa linea del bacino ( una volta
assicurata la linearita’ delle spalle sul bacino si possono aggiungere cuscini, rolli- in modo che la
schiena possa rilassarsi )
c) regolare il braccioli in modo che l’angolo fra braccio e avambraccio sia di 90 gradi. Inoltre e’
consigliabile regolare anche l’altezza della scrivania in modo che i braccioli costituiscano un
prolungamento della scrivania. Questo permette di utilizzare la tastiera mantenedo una
posizione degli arti superiori piu’ rilassata .
d) e’ consigliabile l’utilizzo di una sedia ergonomica che faciliti tutti questi tipi di aggiustamenti
per il raggiungimento della propria postura seduta ideale

3) Posizionare il Monitor all’altezza degli occhi e in posizione centrale rispetto al corpo
Spesso i monitor sono posizionati troppo in alto per cui lo sguardo e’ rivolto verso il soffitto,oppure troppo in basso per cui lo sguardo e’ rivolto verso il pavimento. Oppure il monitor viene posizionato lateralmente al corpo per cui passiamo molto tempo con il corpo orientato centralmente e la testa e il collo ruotata lateralmente. Queste posizioni se mantenute per un lungo periodo di tempo sono le principali fonti di dolori al collo e conseguentemente al resto della colonna.
E’ quindi consigliabile:
a) Posizionare il Monitor all’ altezza degli occhi
b) Posizionare il Monitor centralmente al corpo

Tastiera e Mouse e Tendiniti

Spesso scriviamo sulla tastiera del computer ruotando le mani all’ interno o all’esterno ( intra e extra -rotazione) oppure utilizziamo il mouse in maniera scorretta . La ripetizione continua di questi gesti può portare a tendiniti della mano e del polso e spesso a epicondilite laterale (quest’ultima a causa di un ripetuto e scorretto uso del mouse ) dovuta al sovraccarico dei muscoli estensori del polso e delle dita. La sintomatologia più frequentemente correlata all’epicondilite laterale e’ un dolore sulla parte laterale del gomito.

Per ridurre l’incidenza di tendiniti e epicondilite e’ opportuno seguire queste indicazioni:
A) posizionare le mani parallele quando scriviamo sulla tastiera
B) Utilizzare un MOUSE PAD ovvero un piano di supporto per il mouse in modo che il polso possa essere sostenuto.
Se possibile posizionare anche il bracciolo alla stessa altezza del mouse pad in modo che si mantenga la linea continua del polso con avambraccio.

Standing Desk Una Soluzione?

Per standing desk si intende scrivanie la cui altezza e’ regolabile . Queste postazioni permettono quindi variare la posizione di lavoro da seduta ad eretta. Se utilizzate con questo intento possono essere utili per ridurre la staticità da ufficio. Si consiglia quindi di variare l’altezza del desk passando dalla posizione seduta a quella eretta ogni mezz’ora, oppure almeno ogni ora, massimo due ore. Se invece le standing desk vengono utilizzate per mantenere la posizione eretta in sostituzione alla posizione seduta, non sono di alcun vantaggio nella riduzione del “mal di schiena da ufficio” in quanto non interrompono il ciclo della staticità.

Qui sotto alcuni semplici esercizi di stretching e mobilizzazione che potete effettuare durante l’orario di ufficio.

Esercizi alla scrivania in posizione seduta:

Esercizi alla scrivania in posizione eretta:

The Godi Method ® podcast at “Un Coach in Cucina”

The Godi Method ® podcast at “Un Coach in Cucina”

Thanks to Antonella Ricco for interviewing me at “Un Coach in Cucina” on the podcast “Back pain and Office Work”.

Click on the link below and listen to this Italian interview. You will understand why people that work long hours in the office often experience back pain and you will get some useful tips on how to prevent or reduce your back pain during office hours.

The Godi Method® Workshop: “Ottimizzare l’Allenamento Tramite Allineamento Posturale” in Rome!

The Godi Method® Workshop: “Ottimizzare l’Allenamento Tramite Allineamento Posturale” in Rome!

The Godi Method® Workshop “Ottimizzare l’Allenamento tramite Allineamento Posturale” took place on November 3rd and 4th at the Studio Butterfly-GYROTONIC® Ponte Milvio, Rome, Italy. This Workshop was open to GYROTONIC® Trainers, Fitness and Wellness Trainers, Physical Therapist, Yoga and Pilates Trainers.

This workshop taught how to apply correct posture in exercise and to crack patterns of tension, and dispense with the muscle aches and pains that you’ve experienced in the past.

The Godi Method® which is inspired by the Mezieres Method, combines proprioceptive and basic fitness exercises and simple breathing so that you use only the muscles required for a specific movement, without interference by other muscles unnecessary for those movements.

During this ten hours workshop, the participants focused on different terrains: the pelvis and lower back, the mid-back and shoulder girdle and the neck and head. Through specific breathing and proprioceptive exercises, the participants freed their breaths from its restrictions. By applying proper posture and alignment, they cracked the patterns of tension during the training process and achieved a more efficient and effortless way to move and work out.

The Godi Method® interview on RAI.ITALIA

The Godi Method® interview on RAI.ITALIA

Happy to share The interview on The Godi Method® on one of the major Italian Channel

Rai Italia Channel: The Godi Method® Interview By Simone Bracci.

Photographer Wellness and Prevention

Photographer Wellness and Prevention

What is the Photographer Syndrome?

During my years as an exercise physiologist, expert of postural alignment and creator of The Godi Method®, I’ve come across several photographers all experiencing the same kinds of symptoms which I named Photographer Syndrome.

A common sign of the Photographer Syndrome is neck pain on one side that often shoots down to the shoulder on that same side and the correspondent arm. This pain is usually in conjunction with lower back pain.
Usually the symptoms are connected to the posture employed and the way the camera is held during long hours of shooting.

Keeping an incorrect posture for a long period of time in conjunction with holding the camera incorrectly, will inevitably lead to repetitive stress injuries.

Repetitive Stress Injuries may translate into:
 A disruption of the physiological sequence of the neck and lower back joints, which are subject to compression. This leads to bulging or herniated discs often resulting in a sharp pain that travels through the arm “brachialgia” or leg “sciatica”.
 The wear and tear of ligaments and tendons in particular the shoulder ligaments and tendons.

However, an accurate diagnosis and cause of the pain should always be determined by a qualified physician.

Anyone suffering from Photographer Syndrome can prevent or reduce the condition and its related symptoms by taking the following suggested preventive and corrective measures:


When you hold the camera use these helpful tips:

1. Positioning the camera
 Keep your camera near your body with your elbows tucked in
 When positioning your eye closer to the viewfinder: Do not stick your neck out, but shift the weight of your entire body instead
 Do not lift your shoulders toward your ears

2. Be aware of body position while shooting:
If you are standing:
 Do not lock your knees and distribute your weight in the center as much as possible
 Variate your position during the shooting as much as you can so that you are not holding the same position for a long period of time.
 If shooting lying down at least avoid twisting of your spine or excessive arching or curling of the spine
 Use specific gear so you are do not always have to hand-hold your camera: i.e. increase the use of the tripod or monopod
 Use a cross-body camera strap to distribute camera weight evenly across the body
3. When you need to carry gear, camera bags etc. distribute the weight of the equipment equally on both sides of your body.
4. Preventative wellness exercises
 Before and after shooting release the tightness between shoulder blades and in the lower back with proprioceptive exercises and appropriate stretching exercises of those particular areas.
 Stretch your hamstrings
 Reinforce your abdominal muscles with abdominal exercises.

For more info on The Godi Method® exercises for Photographer Syndrome and shooting pain-free, please contact:

“Optimizing Your Exercise Routine” at the Swedish Institute, NYC

“Optimizing Your Exercise Routine” at the Swedish Institute, NYC

The Godi Method® workshop “Optimizing Your Exercise Routine” is back at the Swedish Institute, NYC.

Learn how awareness of postural alignment will optimize exercise, reducing stress on joints and relieving muscle aches and pain. Sunday FEBRUARY 11 th 2018 , 11am – 3pm. 4 NCBTMB credits;

Pre-registration is required and can be done online via the Continuing Education website,, as well as by phone, email or in person. Please contact the Continuing Education department at (212) 924-5900 x 146 or at

P.S. In the process of registering on line you will be asked a few questions that may not apply to you. In that case just write N/A as an answer, so you can proceed with the registration. Thanks.


The Godi Method® Workshop for the first time in Italy!

The Godi Method® Workshop for the first time in Italy!

Really happy to announce that The Godi Method® workshop is now traveling to Italy!
Check below for more detailed information.
“When you are in Rome… do like the Romans “ and join us at The Godi Method® workshop.
ROME-ITALY  Butterfly- Gyrotonic studio-Ponte Milvio
January 10th  and January 11th : The Godi Method®Workshop!
ROMA: Butterfly- Gyrotonic studio-Ponte Milvio :
The Godi Method® Workshop!
10 Gennaio Dalle 14 alle 20 Indirizzato esclusivamente a Operatori della Salute.
11 Gennaio dalle 17 alle 21 aperto a tutti gli interessati.
July 15, 2017: THE GODI METHOD® WORKSHOP at the Swedish Institute, College of Health Sciences.

July 15, 2017: THE GODI METHOD® WORKSHOP at the Swedish Institute, College of Health Sciences.

The Godi Method® workshop “Optimizing Exercise Through Postural Alignment”  is once again at the Swedish Institute, College of Health Sciences, New York City.

This workshop will take place on Saturday July 15, 2017, from 11am to 3pm and it is part of the Professional Continuing Education classes. It is approved for 4 NCBTMB credits.

The Godi Method® workshop is opened to everyone that would like to learn about postural alignment and how to use this new awareness on your posture to optimize exercise, reducing stress on your joints. The workshop will teach you how to apply correct posture in exercise, how to crack patterns of tension, and dispense with the muscle aches and pains that you have experienced in the past.

“Claudia’s class is a great introduction to accessing a more relaxed and ultimately more efficient approach to movement and exercise. Its a relatively subtle methodology, yet profound in its objective of promoting sustainable health and longevity” stated Carlos Bayerri-Albesa, LAc, LMT who attended one of the previous workshops.

Check this link to register:;

DJTimes Magazine on The Godi Method®

DJTimes Magazine on The Godi Method®

Special Thanks to DJTimes Magazine for publishing The Godi Method® article on “DJ Syndrome”!

The “DJ Syndrome” is a is a recurrent pain that DJs experience during their work; it is a pain on one side of the neck, and often the shoulder on that same side, shooting sharp pain to the correspondent arm. DJ Syndrome is usually due to the action of bending the neck to the side and lifting the corresponding shoulder, in order to hold one side of the headphone closely to the ear while the other headphone is loose and off the opposite ear, so that the DJ can listen to two different music tracks in order to mix them.

In the article DJTimes Magazine anticipated some information about The Godi Method® seminar “DJ Wellness: Posture & Prevention” that will be part of the DJ Expo in Atlantic City this August. This hands-on workshop will present prevention techniques for DJ-related health issues and explains the best way for DJs to achieve maximum wellness. 

DJ Magazine on The Godi Method